NEW - Custom Thank You Message with Links & Custom Disclosures
Add a custom Thank You message that Visitors will see on their Smartphones after successfully signing in to your open house. You can also include downloadable files or links to Tours or other content. Check it out!
NEW - Custom Disclosures or Disclaimers.
Add a Custom Disclosure (such as an Open House Covid Disclosure) that Visitors need to agree to before signing in. Check it out!
Custom Smartphone Sign-In Page
Now allows custom and additional questions as well as your Branding including Colors, Fonts and more. Enable questions and branding on the Smartphone Settings page. Check it out!
TEXT & QRCODE Flyers - (Printable)
NEW! Easily generate a professional & beautiful TEXT or QRCODE Sign In Flyer for your next Open House. Check it out!
TEXT & QRCODE Sign-In are being Added to Most Sign-in pages.
Use these amazing Sign-In tools with your favorite Sign-In page template.
Enable or Disable this Feature on the Smartphone Settings page. Check it out!
TEXT Sign-In is Now part of the Touch-Free Sign-in page.
So now your Visitors can choose to Text for Sign-In or scan the QRCODE. This gives Visitors more flexibility on how they choose to sign-in. Check it out!
Websites are now Here for Open House Wizard Subscribers
These websites are not only beautiful to look at but behind the scenes they are Lead producing and Converting machines. Perfect for Teams, Agents & Brokers. Check it out!
Buyers can TEXT or Scan your QRCODE to Sign In. After completion the flyer wll be sent to your email address within a few minutes. Print it and even send it to potential buyers to advertise your Open and so they can preregister for the open house.
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Personalize the Open House Sign-In Pages with a background image, a headshot image and a logo.
Note: The Text & QRCODE Smartphone Sign-In Page Supports the Main Image and Logo.
Scroll to the Bottom of the page to RESET ALL Settings to Defaults.
Don't want to Spend a Lot of Time Choosing Color & Font Combinations? To use your own background image, add it using the 'Main Images' Tab item above. |
Gray |
Cosmo |
Dark Elegance |
Gray II |
Hot Pink |
The Blues |
Ferrari |
Lambo |
Coastal |
Green |
Light Blue |
Purple |
Yellow |
Olive |
Teal |
Wall Street |
Basic Colors |
Color name |
More Colors |
Color name |
More Colors |
Color name |
Black |
Aliceblue |
Lightpink |
Silver |
Antiquewhite |
Lightsalmon |
Gray |
Aqua |
Lightseagreen |
White |
Aquamarine |
Lightskyblue |
Maroon |
Azure |
Lightslategray |
Red |
Beige |
Lightslategrey |
Purple |
Bisque |
Lightsteelblue |
Fuchsia |
Black |
Lightyellow |
Green |
Blanchedalmond |
Lime |
Lime |
Blue |
Limegreen |
Olive |
Blueviolet |
Linen |
Yellow |
Brown |
Magenta |
Navy |
Burlywood |
Maroon |
Blue |
Cadetblue |
Mediumaquamarine |
Teal |
Chartreuse |
Mediumblue |
Aqua |
Chocolate |
Mediumorchid |
 |  |
Coral |
Mediumpurple |
 |  |
Cornflowerblue |
Mediumseagreen |
 |  |
Cornsilk |
Mediumslateblue |
 |  |
Crimson |
Mediumspringgreen |
 |  |
Cyan |
Mediumturquoise |
 |  |
Darkblue |
Mediumvioletred |
 |  |
Darkcyan |
Midnightblue |
 |  |
Darkgoldenrod |
Mintcream |
 |  |
Darkgray |
Mistyrose |
 |  |
Darkgreen |
Moccasin |
 |  |
Darkgrey |
Navajowhite |
 |  |
Darkkhaki |
Navy |
 |  |
Darkmagenta |
Oldlace |
 |  |
Darkolivegreen |
Olive |
 |  |
Darkorange |
Olivedrab |
 |  |
Darkorchid |
Orange |
 |  |
Darkred |
Orangered |
 |  |
Darksalmon |
Orchid |
 |  |
Darkseagreen |
Palegoldenrod |
 |  |
Darkslateblue |
Palegreen |
 |  |
Darkslategray |
Paleturquoise |
 |  |
Darkslategrey |
Palevioletred |
 |  |
Darkturquoise |
Papayawhip |
 |  |
Darkviolet |
Peachpuff |
 |  |
Deeppink |
Peru |
 |  |
Deepskyblue |
Pink |
 |  |
Dimgray |
Plum |
 |  |
Dimgrey |
Powderblue |
 |  |
Dodgerblue |
Purple |
 |  |
Firebrick |
Red |
 |  |
Floralwhite |
Rosybrown |
 |  |
Forestgreen |
Royalblue |
 |  |
Fuchsia |
Saddlebrown |
 |  |
Gainsboro |
Salmon |
 |  |
Ghostwhite |
Sandybrown |
 |  |
Gold |
Seagreen |
 |  |
Goldenrod |
Seashell |
 |  |
Gray |
Sienna |
 |  |
Green |
Silver |
 |  |
Greenyellow |
Skyblue |
 |  |
Grey |
Slateblue |
 |  |
Honeydew |
Slategray |
 |  |
Hotpink |
Slategrey |
 |  |
Indianred |
Snow |
 |  |
Indigo |
Springgreen |
 |  |
Ivory |
Steelblue |
 |  |
Khaki |
Tan |
 |  |
Lavender |
Teal |
 |  |
Lavenderblush |
Thistle |
 |  |
Lawngreen |
Tomato |
 |  |
Lemonchiffon |
Turquoise |
 |  |
Lightblue |
Violet |
 |  |
Lightcoral |
Wheat |
 |  |
Lightcyan |
White |
 |  |
Lightgoldenrodyellow |
Whitesmoke |
 |  |
Lightgray |
Yellow |
 |  |
Lightgreen |
Yellowgreen |
 |  |
Lightgrey |
 |  |
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This screenshot shows the page running on an Ipad with a gray color scheme & 3 images at top and the center one is rounded.
IMPORTANT: If multiple images are used and some are excessively wide they can overlap each other, so test the sign-in page after uploading your images to make sure it looks right.
Tips and recommendations:
For Full Instructions on How to Use, Click Here
If you have previous files uploaded, delete those 1st before adding new ones
Although you can add as many pictures as you like it is a good idea to keep it to 10-12 or so for speed (try it out)
Image Sizes - Try to use images that are sized right for your device:
Older Ipads - Sizes should be 640x480 or 1024x768
Newer Ipads - Sizes should be 1024x768 or Hi-res 2048x1536
Windows devices - Sizes should be something like 1920x1200
Smaller tablets and Androids - I'd probably try 640x480
Start your Slideshow Sign-In page early at your open to allow it some time to load all of your images
Test, make sure to test after uploading by Running a Slideshow Sign-In page from the My Account page
Be patient when uploading, some files can take a little while to upload depending on their size
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To further customize your account & branding, use the 'CUSTOMIZE ' item on the left.
IMPORTANT: Check your changes by doing a 'test' Visitor Sign-In.
Here you can copy most settings from another agent with an Open House Wizard account.
Some of the main items that will copy:
What will NOT copy:
Sorry, this feature only works with PAID accounts.
Once you have collected Feedback from Open House Visitors, the Sellers Feedback Report is a Great Tool to Easily Generate a Report to Send to your Sellers...
1st - Checkout 'How to Get & Use Visitor Feedback' & Generate a Feedback Report
Your Website & Domain name(s): |
Website(s) you belong to: |
[showdomains1] | [website_belonged_to1] |
To connect:
[sp_easyaccordion id="26192"]
The Custom Connection should only be used if you are instructed to do so by Support. This connection requires a one time connection to your CRM or Lead Service account to allow Open House Sign-in Leads to be accepted...
Please fill in your info using the form below then click SUBMIT.
(This only needs to be done once, if you change the password you can return here to update it.)
Login to your ActiveCampaign account; click "My Settings" in your account menu, then click the "Developer" tab. Ex.: https://your_account.api-us1.com.
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Login to your AllClients account; then go to SETTINGS > API SETTINGS "My Settings" and there you will find your Account ID and your API Key
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You can find your account's API key in your Account Settings.
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Where to find the API Key:
Please sign into your platform under Dashboard > Profile & Settings (in the upper righthand corner) > Integrations to see your Zapier API key.
Please make sure you grab the Zapier specific key.
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Checkout this article: https://openhousewiz.com/crm-contactually-contacts/
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To find your API token login to your Drip account and go to https://www.getdrip.com/user/edit. Your API key will be near the bottom under 'API Token'.
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You can find it under Profile >> Integrations & API >> API. This key should be kept as secret as your password - don’t share it with anybody.
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Notes about Google Sheets & Open House Wizard
You will receive an email in your Gmail account once the Sheet has been shared with you. Simply click the link to open the Sheet in Google Sheets. After that you can access the Sheet directly from Google Sheets.
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1. If you do not already have a KW 'Team' setup then you’ll need to setup a ‘KW Team’ & what KW calls ‘lead routing’ there 1st before we can connect.
Here are the 2 articles that explain all this on the KW site:
2. Add your KW connection information below
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You can find your API Key on your company settings page.
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Oops! You need to be logged in to use this form.
Check out this link:
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Oops! You need to be logged in to use this form.
Oops! You need to be logged in to use this form.
Oops! You need to be logged in to use this form.
Please visit your integrations page at https://www.realscout.com/agent/marketing/integrations to obtain your access token.
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Your Rezora 'API Username' & 'API Password' are needed to connect to Open House Wizard.
You can get your unique API Username and API Password from the Apps & Integrations page within your Rezora account.
NOTE: This is NOT the username and password used to log into your account...
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We need your SugarCRM 'Install Url' and a Username with Password that you can create in SugarCRM just for Open House Wizard Leads.
Install URL:
The full install or on-demand URL. Can be anything from https://trial.sugarcrm.com/sxozsi2129/ to https://crm.mycompany.com/. Make sure to include https://.
You should create a special user with a new, one time password for use with Open House Wizard. Do not use an everyday login! Ask your admin for one if you need to.
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Found on the IDX Settings page of your TRIBUS website.
TRIBUS Website
Your website domain - paste the full URL.
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Paste your Account SID in the 1st box and the Auth Token in the 2nd box below & click Submit.
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If you want to setup your own connection(s) using Zapier we will need a 'webhook' pasted below from your Zap.
To create a Zap for Open House Wizard:
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To save multiple Coop Partners that you can 'Activate' when needed, use the button below to set them up.
None None |
Name: Company: Phone: Email: Disclaimer: |
[sp_easyaccordion id="26155"]
[sp_easyaccordion id="26179"]
Make sure to click the SAVE button at the bottom of this section to save your changes.
To Test the Welcome Email, Scroll to the Bottom of the Page to the Test App.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to Click the SAVE button above.
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Text a Welcome Message to Your Visitor's Cell Phone
Please Note, All Drip Emails have an option to be sent as TEXT or Email.
NOTE: To disable the Welcome Email so Visitors do not receive both a TEXT and an Email Welcome, set 'Send Welcome Email' to No. (On Customize menu)
Here you can activate your own open house Email or TEXT drip campaign. Our campaign will send up to 7 Emails or TEXT Messages to your signed in Visitors.
You can just activate the Drip Campaign and use our pre-built drip email/texts or you can edit and change each individual drip's message body and email subject.
To use our prebuilt drip campaigns, just click Enable ALL Drips. Or you can choose to customize each drip and enable/disable each individually below.
[sp_easyaccordion id="29461"]
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Below is a list of Visitors that have signed in at your Open Houses. If you have enabled Drip Campaigns the Visitors that have signed in since you enabled the drips will have been placed on your drip campaign.
*Unless they chose 'Yes' to working with an agent.
The statuses are:
1. Click the ID# of the Visitor *on the Main Drip Status page
2. Click the 'Select an Action' Dropdown Menu
3. Select 'Cancel Drip Campaign'
4. Click 'Apply'
RELOAD DRIP STATUS PAGEOr Click Drip Status Tab Above
You can just activate the Drip Campaign and use our pre-built drip emails or you can edit and change each individual email's subject, message body and whether you want to use our pre-built signature or not.
Use our incredibly easy Drip Campaigns to Convert your LEADS into CLIENTS
Currently you can send customized drip emails to 7 different types of website Inquiries, they include Inquiries from a Property or Listing Page, the Agent Profile page, the Contact Us page (General, Buyer, Seller or 'Buyer & Seller' targets) and the Home Value Landing page. In addition if you create your own landing pages you can set the form target to be any of those categories. (Buyer, Seller etc.) These emails are sent as if they are coming from you.Â
This is entirely Optional since our default visitor autoresponder emails sent on your behalf are great, but for those that would like to customize them - have at it!
Here you can customize every email that a Visitor receives after filling out a form on your website. These include the forms on the:
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