Real Estate Agent Security Apps - Forewarn
Security is an important topic in Real Estate and the great news is that more and more state of the art security apps are being released. Below is some information on the Forewarn App. Many MLSes are making this great App available for their members. Check with yours to see if they are offering it, or check the website as well.
Lookup Visitors during the Open House as soon as they are Registered.
We have added a quick way to copy a Visitor's phone number after they register and look it up in Forewarn.
This feature can be seen and used by Agents on their Smartphones by accessing our 'view visitor sign-ins page' during the open house.
Below is a brief synposis of the Forewarn security app. This information is from the website and all rights to this information and images are the property of Forewarn. Please visit their website for full information.

As face-to-face interaction drives the real estate industry, rarely are properties sold without personal interaction between prospective buyers and selling agents. The continuing expansion of information technology has further empowered buyers to rely less on agent representation of their own.
With the ability to easily locate target properties on various online listing services, buyers now regularly contact selling agents directly to make inquiries and schedule property showings. Most real estate agents and brokers may now see between 40%-50% of inquiries coming from unrepresented, unknown, buyers. A listing agent’s primary selling effort consists of physically walking each inquiring party through the listed property.
Frequently, agents do this unaccompanied, with zero knowledge of the person they are now alone with on the property. Safe? No. Additionally, agents often have no method of testing the veracity of information provided by an individual, including asset or financial information. Efficient? Hardly.
Buyer/Prospect due diligence efforts have not been widely used in the real estate industry due to the time and costs traditionally associated with such an exercise. Agents do not have the luxury of waiting days for results when a prospective buyer is seeking to view a property now. Nor can an agent or brokerage allocate the thousands of dollars traditionally needed to research hundreds of inquiries each month. But what if it was instant with a nominal monthly subscription fee?
- Using only the incoming phone number, FOREWARN can positively identify over 80% of prospective buyers.
- Identify if your prospect has a criminal history.
- Verify current property and vehicle ownership.
- Verify financial risks (bankruptcies/liens).
- Verify additional phone numbers and full address history.
- Agents can properly and safely plan for showings with a higher level of confidence.