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Open House Wizard

Congrats {user:billing_first_name} {user:billing_last_name}! You have a new Sign-In Lead from Your Open House…
You also have used [gpls form=”25″ action=”count”] Sign-Ins out of 6 Allowed for Free Accounts Today.

Need Unlimited Sign-Ins and more Features such as Visitor Text Registration, Property & Visitor Management, Drip Campaigns and more?
Our lowest cost Agent Subscription comes with (2) full accounts!
Share the 2nd FULL Unlimited Open House Wizard account with another agent to save money or for a partner agent

Pay as little as $5 a Month for a Premium Full Subscription if you split an account with another agent. ($120 per Year annual subscription and ) the ‘Full’ Version of Open House Wizard will Upgrade you with instant access to ALL Premium Features available. Or $10 a month if you don’t split costs with someone else.
Click Here to Upgrade

First Name: {First Name:1}
Last Name: {Last Name:2}
Email: {Email:8} ***This email address was not Verified! Email Validation is included with Paid Accounts only.
Phone: {Phone:4} **You can send {wpcontacts-first_name:1} automatic TEXT messages with our Text Drip Campaigns (works with Paid accounts) and the Text Messaging Add-on.
Working with an Agent: {Are you currently working with an Agent?:5}
If Yes, Agent’s Info: {Your Agent\’s Info:9}
[gvlogic if=”{Ask for Consent to Contact YN:279}” is=”Yes”]
Okay to Contact? {Ok to Contact You?:7}
Open House Address and/or Notes: {Open House Address and Notes:10}
Date of Open: {Open Date:6}

How would you like have {First Name:1} automatically added to an Email Drip Campaign that will send {First Name:1} up to 7 Emails over time?
You can customize those emails to your liking also!
Click at the bottom of this Email to UPGRADE to a PREMIUM (paid) ACCOUNT & you will have access to our Drip Email Campaigns service.

Optional Extra Fields: (If enabled)
Home Address: {Home Address – Street:24}, {City:25}, {State:26}, {Zip:27}
Timeframe – {When Are You Looking to Buy?:28}
Pre-Qualified by a Lender? {Are You Pre-Qualified by a Lender?:29}
How did you hear of the Open? {How Did You Hear of the Open House?:74}  {How Hear:75}
Agreed to the Disclosure? {Agreed to Disclosure?:339}

Your Custom Questions: (If enabled)
Text type:
{wpcontacts-extra_column_25:52}   {wpcontacts-extra_column_13:30}
{wpcontacts-extra_column_24:53}   {wpcontacts-extra_column_22:31}
Radio (Y/N) Type:
{wpcontacts-extra_column_27:127} {wpcontacts-extra_column_23:125}
{wpcontacts-extra_column_28:128} {wpcontacts-extra_column_14:126}

Visitor Feedback: (If any)
1. {wpcontacts-extra_column_16:63}
2. {wpcontacts-extra_column_15:65}
3. {wpcontacts-extra_column_17:64}

Visitor Comments: (If any)

Agent’s Visitor Notes: (If any)

Sent using the FREE Version of Open House Wizard…

Click Here to Upgrade & instantly have:
Unlimited Visitor Registrations
⇒ Visitor & Property Management
Advanced Flyers
Email Drip Campaigns
Removal of Open House Wizard Logo on Visitor Communications & Registration pages
Connection to Your CRM or Lead Service
Access to More Premium Sign-In Pages Such as the Video Registration page
Much More