QR Code & Text Visitor Registration Flyers
Below are examples of each type of Flyer we offer. On the left is the Individual Agent Flyer and on the right is the CO-HOST Flyer. (when partnering with another Agent or a Loan Officer an Open)
How the QR Code / Text Flyers work for Visitor Registration
Each QR Code Text Flyer contains a large QR Code as well as a Toll Free number with a Text 'Code' that visitors can use to register for the open house by either Texting the code to the toll free number or scanning the QR Code.
Visitors will appreciate the easy Open House Texting / QR Code Sign In app.
Where to start with the QR Code / Text Flyers
1st of all login to your Open House Wizard account. From there you can generate a Flyer with just a couple clicks. See our Help page for more information.
Once generated the flyer will be sent to your email address. After receiving the flyer, print it out and display it at your open house for visitors to use for registration.
During the Open House
Login to Open House Wizard on your Smartphone and from there you can monitor Visitor Registrations and even add comments and edit visitor information.
How the Flyer Registration Process Works
Flyer Styles & Color Available
Broker names are provided to point out similar matching colors.
These flyer designs can work with any Broker and of course you can add your own custom flyer with our Custom Flyer Add-on as well.
Below are examples of our flyer designs and color combination using the Individual Agent Flyer. These colors and designs are also available for the COOP & Team Flyers.
Custom Flyers are also available for Agents, Teams & Brokers to be able to use their own custom flyer. The process for those is the same, just a couple clicks and the custom flyer is generated and sent to your email.
To order the Custom Flyer Add-on CLICK HERE.
Reusable QR Code / Text Sign Riders & Property Sites
Property Sites
Checkout our Lead Generating Mini Property Site
These sites are automatically created once a Property is added for an Open House or Event. These sites not only look great but are designed from the ground up to generate Agents some serious leads.
Features of the Property Sites
The Property Sites include all of the following:
Full Agent Branding, Logo, Headshot etc.
Full Agent Contact Info
Google Map
The Main Property Photo is used as a background on Styles 1 & 3 (Style 2 uses a Slideshow background)
A Mini Slideshow on Styles 1 & 3 and a Full Screen Slideshow on Style 2 with Uploaded Property Images (Mini Slideshow can be clicked to go full screen)
Property Description and main specifications such as Bedrooms, Bathrooms
A 'Get More Info or Schedule a Tour' Form
Social Sharing Icons for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email & SMS
Leads are sent instantly via Email to the Agent
Leads are also sent to the Agent's CRM (if they have one)
The Visitor is sent an automatic reply email addressed from the Agent
The Visitor can also be sent Drip Emails (if Drip Campaigns are enabled on the Agent's account)
Use the Property Sites to Generate Leads on Social Media
These Property sites have built in Social Media sharing links and are designed to generate leads once you or a Visitor shares them to a favorite social media site.
The Property Sites also work hand in hand with our Reusable Sign Riders. When a Visitor TEXTs or Scans a QR Code on an Agent's Sign Rider they will be directed to a Mini Property Site.
On the Mini Property Site the Visitor can view information on the Property, view a Property Slideshow, View the Agent Info and are also presented with a 'Get More Info' form.
Checkout our Reusable Real Estate Sign Riders
IMPORTANT NOTE: This service sends one text message to the visitor with a link to the property information. No other Texts are sent to the Visitor unless they text a code a 2nd time.
Sign Rider Images can be generated for any property once a Rider Code is assigned to the property. The Rider Image in PNG format can then be used to easily order a printed Sign Rider from a Print Shop.
How they work
When a person sends the Text Code or scans the QR Code on the rider, they are directed to either an Open House Wizard Property Site as shown above or your own Custom URL.
If your property already has a landing page or website page setup somewhere, you can use that instead of our Property Site.
Unlike single use Sign Riders that are specific to a Property our Sign Riders just 'appear' to be specific to a property but the TEXT and QR Codes can be assigned or moved from one property to the next.
The example above shows House 'A' has been assigned Code # 11411. Then House 'A' is Sold and the Code is moved (can be done on your Dashboard here) to House 'B'. Its as simple as that.
How the Reusable Sign Riders Work