User Fields

array(2) { [0]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(42) { ["userid"]=> string(4) "5019" ["billing_first_name"]=> string(4) "Fred" ["billing_last_name"]=> string(10) "Flintstone" ["billing_email"]=> string(21) "" ["billing_phone"]=> string(14) "(999) 888-0000" ["billing_company"]=> string(14) "Bedrock Realty" ["pdfbrokerphone"]=> string(14) "(999) 000-0000" ["pdfbrokeraddress"]=> string(15) "4900 Stone Road" ["edisclaimer"]=> string(26) "Licensed Real Estate Agent" ["contactyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["welcome"]=> string(42) "Welcome to the Open House, Please Sign In." 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Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans. My contact information is below!" ["emailsub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["emailsig"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["wemail_textcolor"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["signedpdfurl"]=> string(18) "" ["covid_disclaimer_yn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["disc_file1name"]=> string(26) "Yabba Dabba Doo Disclosure" } } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(42) { ["userid"]=> string(4) "5019" ["billing_first_name"]=> string(4) "Fred" ["billing_last_name"]=> string(10) "Flintstone" ["billing_email"]=> string(21) "" ["billing_phone"]=> string(14) "(999) 888-0000" ["billing_company"]=> string(14) "Bedrock Realty" ["pdfbrokerphone"]=> string(14) "(999) 000-0000" ["pdfbrokeraddress"]=> string(15) "4900 Stone Road" ["edisclaimer"]=> string(26) "Licensed Real Estate Agent" ["contactyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["welcome"]=> string(42) "Welcome to the Open House, Please Sign In." ["sms_yn"]=> string(2) "No" ["slogobg"]=> string(4) "None" ["usercolor"]=> string(5) "Black" ["picborder"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["picborder-c"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["picbg"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["picbg-c"]=> string(7) "#f0b677" ["userfont"]=> string(11) "Roboto Slab" ["userbold"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["useritalic"]=> string(2) "No" ["gbutton1"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["gbutton1-c"]=> string(7) "#f0b677" ["gbuttont"]=> string(5) "Black" ["gbuttont-c"]=> string(7) "#5b539e" ["gbuttonbdr"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["gbuttonbdr-c"]=> string(7) "#5b539e" ["usershadow"]=> string(2) "No" ["submitshadow"]=> string(2) "No" ["bordertype"]=> string(5) "Thick" ["mobicolorbg"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["mobicolorbg-c"]=> string(7) "#f0b677" ["maincolor"]=> string(4) "None" ["wheadline"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["wemail_color"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["email_body_message"]=> string(272) "Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans. My contact information is below!" ["emailsub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["emailsig"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["wemail_textcolor"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["signedpdfurl"]=> string(18) "" ["covid_disclaimer_yn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["disc_file1name"]=> string(26) "Yabba Dabba Doo Disclosure" } [1]=> array(61) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["billing_first_name"]=> string(5) "Lenny" ["billing_last_name"]=> string(6) "Lennon" ["billing_email"]=> string(24) "" ["billing_phone"]=> string(14) "(703) 915-3643" ["billing_company"]=> string(20) "Lauren Lennon Realty" ["pdfbrokerphone"]=> string(14) "(202) 020-2020" ["pdfbrokeraddress"]=> string(10) "Malibu, CA" ["agwebsite"]=> string(16) "" ["edisclaimer"]=> string(26) "Licensed Real Estate Agent" ["agentq"]=> string(4) "Show" ["lenderyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["homeaddressyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["remailyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["rphoneyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["timeframeyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["feedbackyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["crmemailyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["howhear"]=> string(2) "No" ["evalidate"]=> string(6) "Enable" ["contactyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["teamvleadsyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["teamcrmyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["team_seats"]=> string(3) "100" ["welcome"]=> string(42) "Welcome to the Open House, Please Sign In." ["zapierhook"]=> string(81) "" ["emreadyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["sms_yn"]=> string(2) "No" ["enablevistexts"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["slogobg"]=> string(5) "White" ["usercolor"]=> string(5) "White" ["picborder"]=> string(5) "White" ["picborder-c"]=> string(5) "White" ["picbg"]=> string(9) "Steelblue" ["userfont"]=> string(10) "Montserrat" ["userbold"]=> string(2) "No" ["useritalic"]=> string(2) "No" ["gbutton1"]=> string(9) "Steelblue" ["gbuttont"]=> string(5) "White" ["gbuttonbdr"]=> string(5) "White" ["usershadow"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["submitshadow"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["bordertype"]=> string(5) "Thick" ["mobicolorbg"]=> string(7) "#555f61" ["maincolor"]=> string(9) "Lightblue" ["scheme"]=> string(1) "6" ["wheadline"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["wemail_color"]=> string(5) "Black" ["email_body_message"]=> string(274) "Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans. My contact information is below!!!" ["emailsub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["emailsig"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["wemail_textcolor"]=> string(5) "White" ["signedpdfurl"]=> string(97) "" ["covid_disclaimer_yn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["disc_file1name"]=> string(5) "Doggo" ["custhanksyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["sp_custhanks"]=> string(3) "Yo!" ["sp_file1yn"]=> string(4) "None" ["sp_file2yn"]=> string(4) "None" ["sp_file3yn"]=> string(4) "None" ["propimgyn"]=> string(2) "No" } } }

User File Urls

array(2) { [0]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(5) { ["userid"]=> string(4) "5019" ["mainimage1"]=> string(60) "" ["slogo"]=> string(114) "" ["disc_file1url"]=> string(64) "" ["welcome_email_image"]=> string(60) "" } } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(5) { ["userid"]=> string(4) "5019" ["mainimage1"]=> string(60) "" ["slogo"]=> string(114) "" ["disc_file1url"]=> string(64) "" ["welcome_email_image"]=> string(60) "" } [1]=> array(10) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["mainimage1"]=> string(60) "" ["slogo"]=> string(66) "" ["attachment1"]=> string(63) "" ["attachment2"]=> string(61) "" ["attachment3"]=> string(61) "" ["disc_file1url"]=> string(61) "" ["welcome_email_image"]=> string(66) "" ["pdf-main1"]=> string(63) "" ["pdf-img2"]=> string(64) "" } } }

Property Fields

array(2) { [0]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(6) { ["userid"]=> string(4) "5019" ["postid"]=> int(53801) ["prop_street"]=> string(19) "345 Cave Stone Road" ["prop_city"]=> string(7) "Bedrock" ["prop_state"]=> string(18) "Cobblestone County" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "00000" } } [1]=> array(45) { [0]=> array(6) { ["userid"]=> string(4) "5019" ["postid"]=> int(53801) ["prop_street"]=> string(19) "345 Cave Stone Road" ["prop_city"]=> string(7) "Bedrock" ["prop_state"]=> string(18) "Cobblestone County" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "00000" } [1]=> array(22) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(53487) ["prop_street"]=> string(28) "1333 E Hallandale Beach Blvd" ["prop_city"]=> string(16) "Hallandale Beach" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33009" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_unique_wemailyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "3234" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(3) "Yo!" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "File" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "File" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink3"]=> string(4) "File" ["prop_uniqspthanks_desc1"]=> string(2) "ww" } [2]=> array(6) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(51312) ["prop_street"]=> string(20) "Quick Flyer Visitors" ["prop_price"]=> string(17) "adadadadadffs ddd" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(17) "adadadadadffs ddd" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(5) "adaad" } [3]=> array(35) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(51310) ["prop_street"]=> string(16) "4330 Sheridan St" ["prop_city"]=> string(3) "121" ["prop_state"]=> string(4) "1212" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "12121" ["prop_description"]=> string(26) "Hey this is a description!" ["prop_site_desc"]=> string(26) "Hey this is a description!" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_sf"]=> string(4) "3200" ["prop_site_sf"]=> string(4) "3200" ["prop_price"]=> string(2) "ww" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(2) "ww" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_brochure_heading"]=> string(16) "VIRTUAL BROCHURE" ["prop_brochure_subheading"]=> string(2) "as" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "124" ["prop_unique_wemailyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(5) "assas" ["prop_sp_unique"]=> string(4) "Link" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(3) "Yo!" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "File" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "Link" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink3"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_linkurl1"]=> string(3) "sss" ["prop_uniqspthanks_linkurl2"]=> string(2) "sa" ["prop_uniqspthanks_linkurl3"]=> string(5) "sasas" ["prop_uniqspthanks_desc1"]=> string(4) "Yo 3" } [4]=> array(20) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(51283) ["prop_street"]=> string(15) "1313 Madison St" ["prop_city"]=> string(9) "Hollywood" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33019" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(10) "


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [5]=> array(19) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(51268) ["prop_street"]=> string(17) "5353 S State Rd 7" ["prop_city"]=> string(5) "Davie" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33314" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "123" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(10) "


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [6]=> array(18) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(51267) ["prop_street"]=> string(14) "2424 NE 9th St" ["prop_city"]=> string(15) "Fort Lauderdale" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33304" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(10) "


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [7]=> array(23) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(51264) ["prop_street"]=> string(15) "1131 N 35th Ave" ["prop_city"]=> string(9) "Hollywood" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33021" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_price"]=> string(2) "SS" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(2) "SS" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_brochure_heading"]=> string(16) "VIRTUAL BROCHURE" ["prop_brochure_subheading"]=> string(4) "asas" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(2) "Ss" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(10) "


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [8]=> array(22) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(51259) ["prop_street"]=> string(14) "221 NW 2nd Ave" ["prop_city"]=> string(16) "Hallandale Beach" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33009" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_brochure_heading"]=> string(16) "VIRTUAL BROCHURE" ["prop_brochure_subheading"]=> string(4) "dgdg" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "122" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "asas" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(10) "


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [9]=> array(6) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(51032) ["prop_street"]=> string(3) "sas" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "120" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "asas" } [10]=> array(24) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(50624) ["prop_street"]=> string(16) "2239 Sheridan St" ["prop_city"]=> string(9) "Hollywood" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33020" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_price"]=> string(4) "asas" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(4) "asas" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_brochure_heading"]=> string(16) "VIRTUAL BROCHURE" ["prop_brochure_subheading"]=> string(30) "This one is not going to last!" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "121" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(2) "zz" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(10) "


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [11]=> array(19) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(50497) ["prop_street"]=> string(10) "123 Joe St" ["prop_city"]=> string(7) "Lincoln" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Alabama" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "35096" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "sfsf" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(10) "


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [12]=> array(23) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(50069) ["prop_street"]=> string(20) "1200 Brickell Bay Dr" ["prop_city"]=> string(2) "qq" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "qq" ["prop_zip"]=> string(2) "qq" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_price"]=> string(4) "adad" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(4) "adad" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(11) "OPEN HOUSE2" ["prop_brochure_heading"]=> string(16) "VIRTUAL BROCHURE" ["prop_brochure_subheading"]=> string(4) "asas" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(5) "qwqwq" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(10) "


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [13]=> array(30) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(48792) ["prop_street"]=> string(19) "6925 Hollywood Blvd" ["prop_city"]=> string(11) "Los Angeles" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "CA" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "90028" ["prop_description"]=> string(222) "Welcome to this beautiful home nestled on a large private lot in the exclusive neighborhood of West Hills. From the sweeping views of the Hollywood Hills to the impeccably landscaped property, this one is sure to delight!" ["prop_site_desc"]=> string(222) "Welcome to this beautiful home nestled on a large private lot in the exclusive neighborhood of West Hills. From the sweeping views of the Hollywood Hills to the impeccably landscaped property, this one is sure to delight!" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_price"]=> string(4) "3321" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(4) "3321" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "119" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(250) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today.
Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below.

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(2) "Hi" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(16) "

Yo! Ho Ho

" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "Link" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "Link" ["prop_uniqspthanks_linkurl1"]=> string(11) "www.ddldl22" ["prop_uniqspthanks_linkurl2"]=> string(17) "" ["prop_uniqspthanks_linkurl3"]=> string(11) "qwqwwqwqwqw" ["prop_uniqspthanks_desc1"]=> string(4) "wqwq" } [14]=> array(26) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(43713) ["prop_street"]=> string(19) "3440 Hollywood Blvd" ["prop_city"]=> string(11) "Dania Beach" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33004" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_price"]=> string(11) "$14,900,000" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(11) "$14,900,000" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_brochure_heading"]=> string(16) "VIRTUAL BROCHURE" ["prop_brochure_subheading"]=> string(4) "Test" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "118" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(14) "Blah blah blah" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(24) "

Hey thanks a lot!

" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [15]=> array(19) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(43704) ["prop_street"]=> string(19) "3550 Hollywood Blvd" ["prop_city"]=> string(9) "Hollywood" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33021" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [16]=> array(21) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(43703) ["prop_street"]=> string(18) "2323 W State Rd 84" ["prop_city"]=> string(15) "Fort Lauderdale" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33312" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_unique_wemailyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "adad" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(3) "Yo!" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink3"]=> string(4) "None" } [17]=> array(19) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(43509) ["prop_street"]=> string(16) "2355 NW 70th Ave" ["prop_city"]=> string(5) "Miami" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33122" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(313) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [18]=> array(7) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(43082) ["prop_street"]=> string(10) "Yo ho ho22" ["prop_price"]=> string(2) "ss" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(2) "ss" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(2) "ss" } [19]=> array(22) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(43061) ["prop_street"]=> string(15) "2929 Joe Street" ["prop_city"]=> string(4) "Blah" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "dd" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "22222" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_price"]=> string(5) "asas2" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(5) "asas2" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(313) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(5) "Open2" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [20]=> array(6) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(43052) ["prop_street"]=> string(16) "1212 SW 3rd Ave2" ["prop_price"]=> string(5) "asas2" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(5) "asas2" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(5) "Open2" } [21]=> array(22) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42970) ["prop_street"]=> string(15) "1212 SW 3rd Ave" ["prop_city"]=> string(11) "Dania Beach" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33004" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_price"]=> string(4) "asas" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(4) "asas" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "Open" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [22]=> array(22) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42969) ["prop_street"]=> string(14) "13131 Ixora Ct" ["prop_city"]=> string(11) "North Miami" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33181" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_price"]=> string(2) "22" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(2) "22" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(2) "32" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [23]=> array(20) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42942) ["prop_street"]=> string(20) "1331 Brickell Bay Dr" ["prop_city"]=> string(5) "Miami" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33131" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "sdsd" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [24]=> array(19) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42941) ["prop_street"]=> string(19) "7423 Miami Lakes Dr" ["prop_city"]=> string(11) "Miami Lakes" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33014" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [25]=> array(19) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42940) ["prop_street"]=> string(19) "12112 St.Andrews Pl" ["prop_city"]=> string(7) "Miramar" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33025" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [26]=> array(20) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42939) ["prop_street"]=> string(15) "1212 Lincoln Rd" ["prop_city"]=> string(11) "Miami Beach" ["prop_state"]=> string(7) "Florida" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "33139" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "hjhj" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [27]=> array(19) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42709) ["prop_street"]=> string(14) "356 Victory Dr" ["prop_city"]=> string(7) "Herndon" ["prop_state"]=> string(8) "Virginia" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "20170" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [28]=> array(19) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42707) ["prop_street"]=> string(17) "5353 Westbard Ave" ["prop_city"]=> string(8) "Bethesda" ["prop_state"]=> string(8) "Maryland" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "20816" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [29]=> array(26) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42467) ["prop_street"]=> string(16) "2329 Freetown Ct" ["prop_city"]=> string(6) "Reston" ["prop_state"]=> string(8) "Virginia" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "20191" ["prop_site_customurl"]=> string(10) "" ["prop_brochure_url"]=> string(10) "" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "1" ["prop_price"]=> string(8) "$999,000" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(8) "$999,000" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_brochure_heading"]=> string(16) "VIRTUAL BROCHURE" ["prop_brochure_subheading"]=> string(37) "This one is simply not going to last!" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(6) "Custom" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(309) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(3) "wsd" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [30]=> array(13) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(42088) ["prop_street"]=> string(21) "2344 Cypress Cove Cir" ["prop_city"]=> string(7) "Herndon" ["prop_state"]=> string(8) "Virginia" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "20171" ["prop_unique_wemailyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(25) "Thanks for visiting today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(25) "Welcome to the Open House" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(7) "#7FB3D5" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(7) "#E5E8E8" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(313) "

Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.

My contact information is below.


" } [31]=> array(3) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(41923) ["prop_street"]=> string(15) "1401 Outlook Dr" } [32]=> array(11) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(41844) ["prop_street"]=> string(23) "12300 Sunrise Valley Dr" ["prop_city"]=> string(6) "Reston" ["prop_state"]=> string(8) "Virginia" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "20191" ["prop_price"]=> string(15) "$229,929,292.00" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(15) "$229,929,292.00" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "117" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "sdsd" } [33]=> array(3) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(41726) ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "Open" } [34]=> array(7) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(40933) ["prop_street"]=> string(3) "saa" ["prop_price"]=> string(8) "$125,000" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(8) "$125,000" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "Open" } [35]=> array(7) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(40851) ["prop_street"]=> string(4) "saaq" ["prop_city"]=> string(7) "asasas2" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "AZ" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "22222" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" } [36]=> array(7) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(40837) ["prop_street"]=> string(5) "ADAD2" ["prop_city"]=> string(4) "ADAD" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "AR" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "11313" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" } [37]=> array(30) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(38483) ["prop_street"]=> string(17) "10066 Cielo Drive" ["prop_city"]=> string(12) "Los Angeles2" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "CA" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "22112" ["prop_description"]=> string(6) "bfvvvf" ["prop_site_desc"]=> string(6) "bfvvvf" ["prop_site_customurl"]=> string(11) "" ["prop_brochure_url"]=> string(11) "" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "2" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "2" ["prop_sf"]=> string(4) "2122" ["prop_site_sf"]=> string(4) "2122" ["prop_price"]=> string(8) "$125,002" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(8) "$125,002" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(11) "OPEN HOUSE2" ["prop_brochure_heading"]=> string(16) "VIRTUAL BROCHURE" ["prop_brochure_subheading"]=> string(5) "sdfdf" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "113" ["prop_unique_wemailyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(27) "Thanks for visiting today U" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(27) "Welcome to the Open House U" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(5) "White" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(5) "Black" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(304) "

U Thank you for visiting our Open House today.  Please reach out anytime if you have any questions about this property or would like to see a copy of the seller’s disclosure.  We would love to discuss your real estate plans.  

My contact information is below.


" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(5) "Open2" } [38]=> array(18) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(35992) ["prop_street"]=> string(53) "88888 Bobbins Boulevard with a really crazy long name" ["prop_city"]=> string(7) "Joetown" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "AL" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "11111" ["prop_description"]=> string(24) "This is the description!" ["prop_site_desc"]=> string(24) "This is the description!" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_sf"]=> string(4) "2323" ["prop_site_sf"]=> string(4) "2323" ["prop_price"]=> string(11) "$12,000,000" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(11) "$12,000,000" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "qwwq" } [39]=> array(17) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(34492) ["prop_street"]=> string(21) "2920 Mockingbird Lane" ["prop_city"]=> string(13) "Beverly Hills" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "CA" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "20202" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "8" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "8" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "6" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "6" ["prop_sf"]=> string(4) "9000" ["prop_site_sf"]=> string(4) "9000" ["prop_price"]=> string(8) "$999,999" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(8) "$999,999" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(13) "OPEN HOUSE!!!" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "112" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(74) "Open Saturday, December 11th from 1pm to 4pm. Refreshments will be served." } [40]=> array(23) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(34445) ["prop_street"]=> string(24) "11200 Winding Ridge Lane" ["prop_city"]=> string(11) "Los Angeles" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "CA" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "20910" ["prop_description"]=> string(30) "Great house and move in ready!" ["prop_site_desc"]=> string(30) "Great house and move in ready!" ["prop_site_customurl"]=> string(15) "" ["prop_brochure_url"]=> string(15) "" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "2" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "2" ["prop_sf"]=> string(4) "3600" ["prop_site_sf"]=> string(4) "3600" ["prop_price"]=> string(10) "$1,299,000" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(10) "$1,299,000" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_brochure_heading"]=> string(16) "VIRTUAL BROCHURE" ["prop_brochure_subheading"]=> string(30) "This one is not going to last!" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "110" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(4) "asas" } [41]=> array(22) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(32098) ["prop_street"]=> string(19) "8002 Hollywood Blvd" ["prop_city"]=> string(9) "Hollywood" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "CA" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "20201" ["prop_price"]=> string(8) "$125,000" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(8) "$125,000" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(11) "OPEN HOUSE!" ["prop_unique_wemailyn"]=> string(2) "No" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(17) "Subject for 32098" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(35) "Welcome to the Open House for 32098" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(4) "Gold" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(5) "Black" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(297) "

 for 32098 Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(71) "Open House on 12/31/2020 from 1pm to 4pm, Refreshments will be served!!" ["prop_sp_unique"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(196) "

for post 32098 Thanks for Registering!!! Yo ho

Below are some links to more information about the property, check them out if you can.

Thanks!  Jimmy!

" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "Link" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "File" ["prop_uniqspthanks_desc1"]=> string(28) "Property Brochure 32098 file" } [42]=> array(26) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(31135) ["prop_street"]=> string(16) "9000 Cielo Drive" ["prop_city"]=> string(13) "Beverly Hills" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "CA" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "90210" ["prop_description"]=> string(147) "Open House Sunday 2/26 from 1-4pm. Great property in a rare location.
Please Note: This property, address, images are for Demo purposes only." ["prop_site_desc"]=> string(147) "Open House Sunday 2/26 from 1-4pm. Great property in a rare location.
Please Note: This property, address, images are for Demo purposes only." ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_sf"]=> string(4) "3800" ["prop_site_sf"]=> string(4) "3800" ["prop_price"]=> string(11) "$99,000,000" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(11) "$99,000,000" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_site_id"]=> string(3) "114" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(30) "Thanks for visiting here today" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(26) "Welcome to the Open House!" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(285) "

Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(50) "Open on SUN | 3/6/2022 | 1-4PM **By Invite Only**" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(10) "


" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "None" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "None" } [43]=> array(32) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(31126) ["prop_street"]=> string(25) "9000 Santa Monica Highway" ["prop_city"]=> string(12) "Santa Monica" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "CA" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "20101" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "6" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "6" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "6" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "6" ["prop_sf"]=> string(6) "22,000" ["prop_site_sf"]=> string(6) "22,000" ["prop_price"]=> string(11) "$22,500,000" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(11) "$22,500,000" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(10) "OPEN HOUSE" ["prop_unique_wemailyn"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqem_sigyn"]=> string(11) " *from post" ["prop_uniqem_sub"]=> string(45) "Thanks for visiting here today you *from post" ["prop_uniqem_head"]=> string(36) "Welcome to the Open House *from post" ["prop_uniqem_headc"]=> string(11) " *from post" ["prop_uniqem_textc"]=> string(11) " *from post" ["prop_uniqem_msgbdy"]=> string(297) "

 *from post Thank you for visiting my Open House today. Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions about this property or if you have a minute to discuss your Real Estate plans.
My contact information is below!

" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(32) "Open House, Refreshments Served!" ["prop_sp_unique"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["prop_uniqspthanks_msg"]=> string(184) "

Thanks for Registering!!! Yo ho 28

Below are some links to more information about the property, check them out if you can.

Thanks!  Jimmy!

" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink1"]=> string(4) "File" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink2"]=> string(4) "File" ["prop_uniqspthanks_filelink3"]=> string(4) "File" ["prop_uniqspthanks_linkurl1"]=> string(2) "28" ["prop_uniqspthanks_linkurl2"]=> string(2) "28" ["prop_uniqspthanks_linkurl3"]=> string(2) "28" ["prop_uniqspthanks_desc1"]=> string(4) "Mike" } [44]=> array(16) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(31117) ["prop_street"]=> string(19) "8000 Hollywood Blvd" ["prop_city"]=> string(7) "Joetown" ["prop_state"]=> string(2) "CA" ["prop_zip"]=> string(5) "11010" ["prop_beds"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_site_beds"]=> string(1) "4" ["prop_baths"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_site_baths"]=> string(1) "3" ["prop_sf"]=> string(3) "222" ["prop_site_sf"]=> string(3) "222" ["prop_price"]=> string(23) "Offered at: $21,000,000" ["prop_site_price"]=> string(23) "Offered at: $21,000,000" ["prop_flyer_heading"]=> string(15) "THIS IS AN OPEN" ["prop_flyer_sub"]=> string(71) "Open House on 12/31/2020 from 1pm to 4pm, Refreshments will be served!!" } } }

User Prop Urls

array(2) { [0]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(6) { ["userid"]=> string(4) "5019" ["postid"]=> int(53801) ["prop_open_qrcode"]=> string(73) "" ["prop_image1"]=> string(66) "" ["prop_image2"]=> string(69) "" ["prop_image3"]=> string(64) "" } } [1]=> array(45) { [0]=> array(6) { ["userid"]=> string(4) "5019" ["postid"]=> int(53801) ["prop_open_qrcode"]=> string(73) "" ["prop_image1"]=> string(66) "" ["prop_image2"]=> string(69) "" ["prop_image3"]=> string(64) "" } [1]=> array(11) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(53487) ["prop_open_qrcode"]=> string(73) "" ["prop_image1"]=> string(63) "" ["prop_image2"]=> string(64) "" ["prop_image3"]=> string(64) "" ["prop_wemail_attach"]=> string(63) "" ["prop_wmail_image"]=> string(66) "" ["sp_file1"]=> string(63) "" ["sp_file2"]=> string(63) "" ["sp_file3"]=> string(63) "" } [2]=> array(5) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(51312) ["prop_image1"]=> string(62) "" ["prop_image2"]=> string(61) "" ["prop_image3"]=> string(61) "" } [3]=> 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["prop_image3"]=> bool(false) ["prop_wemail_attach"]=> bool(false) ["prop_wmail_image"]=> bool(false) } [42]=> array(7) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(31135) ["prop_open_qrcode"]=> string(73) "" ["prop_rider_qrcode1"]=> string(76) "" ["prop_image1"]=> string(62) "" ["prop_image2"]=> bool(false) ["prop_image3"]=> bool(false) } [43]=> array(7) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(31126) ["prop_open_qrcode"]=> string(73) "" ["prop_image1"]=> string(64) "" ["prop_image2"]=> bool(false) ["prop_image3"]=> bool(false) ["prop_wemail_attach"]=> bool(false) } [44]=> array(6) { ["userid"]=> string(1) "1" ["postid"]=> int(31117) ["prop_open_qrcode"]=> string(73) "" ["prop_image1"]=> string(64) "" ["prop_image2"]=> bool(false) ["prop_image3"]=> bool(false) } } }

