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Georgia Arial Verdana Tahoma Open Sans Condensed PT Sans Narrow Lato PT Sans Oswald Josefin Sans |
EB Garamond Montserrat Merriweather Roboto Regular Roboto Slab Raleway Playfair Display Noto Sans Alegreya |
Don't want to Spend a Lot of Time Choosing Color & Font Combinations? To use your own background image, add it using the 'Main Images' Tab item above. |
Gray |
Cosmo |
Dark Elegance |
Gray II |
Hot Pink |
The Blues |
Ferrari |
Lambo |
Coastal |
Green |
Light Blue |
Purple |
Yellow |
Olive |
Teal |
Wall Street |
Basic Colors |
Color name |
More Colors |
Color name |
More Colors |
Color name |
Black |
Aliceblue |
Lightpink |
Silver |
Antiquewhite |
Lightsalmon |
Gray |
Aqua |
Lightseagreen |
White |
Aquamarine |
Lightskyblue |
Maroon |
Azure |
Lightslategray |
Red |
Beige |
Lightslategrey |
Purple |
Bisque |
Lightsteelblue |
Fuchsia |
Black |
Lightyellow |
Green |
Blanchedalmond |
Lime |
Lime |
Blue |
Limegreen |
Olive |
Blueviolet |
Linen |
Yellow |
Brown |
Magenta |
Navy |
Burlywood |
Maroon |
Blue |
Cadetblue |
Mediumaquamarine |
Teal |
Chartreuse |
Mediumblue |
Aqua |
Chocolate |
Mediumorchid |
 |  |
Coral |
Mediumpurple |
 |  |
Cornflowerblue |
Mediumseagreen |
 |  |
Cornsilk |
Mediumslateblue |
 |  |
Crimson |
Mediumspringgreen |
 |  |
Cyan |
Mediumturquoise |
 |  |
Darkblue |
Mediumvioletred |
 |  |
Darkcyan |
Midnightblue |
 |  |
Darkgoldenrod |
Mintcream |
 |  |
Darkgray |
Mistyrose |
 |  |
Darkgreen |
Moccasin |
 |  |
Darkgrey |
Navajowhite |
 |  |
Darkkhaki |
Navy |
 |  |
Darkmagenta |
Oldlace |
 |  |
Darkolivegreen |
Olive |
 |  |
Darkorange |
Olivedrab |
 |  |
Darkorchid |
Orange |
 |  |
Darkred |
Orangered |
 |  |
Darksalmon |
Orchid |
 |  |
Darkseagreen |
Palegoldenrod |
 |  |
Darkslateblue |
Palegreen |
 |  |
Darkslategray |
Paleturquoise |
 |  |
Darkslategrey |
Palevioletred |
 |  |
Darkturquoise |
Papayawhip |
 |  |
Darkviolet |
Peachpuff |
 |  |
Deeppink |
Peru |
 |  |
Deepskyblue |
Pink |
 |  |
Dimgray |
Plum |
 |  |
Dimgrey |
Powderblue |
 |  |
Dodgerblue |
Purple |
 |  |
Firebrick |
Red |
 |  |
Floralwhite |
Rosybrown |
 |  |
Forestgreen |
Royalblue |
 |  |
Fuchsia |
Saddlebrown |
 |  |
Gainsboro |
Salmon |
 |  |
Ghostwhite |
Sandybrown |
 |  |
Gold |
Seagreen |
 |  |
Goldenrod |
Seashell |
 |  |
Gray |
Sienna |
 |  |
Green |
Silver |
 |  |
Greenyellow |
Skyblue |
 |  |
Grey |
Slateblue |
 |  |
Honeydew |
Slategray |
 |  |
Hotpink |
Slategrey |
 |  |
Indianred |
Snow |
 |  |
Indigo |
Springgreen |
 |  |
Ivory |
Steelblue |
 |  |
Khaki |
Tan |
 |  |
Lavender |
Teal |
 |  |
Lavenderblush |
Thistle |
 |  |
Lawngreen |
Tomato |
 |  |
Lemonchiffon |
Turquoise |
 |  |
Lightblue |
Violet |
 |  |
Lightcoral |
Wheat |
 |  |
Lightcyan |
White |
 |  |
Lightgoldenrodyellow |
Whitesmoke |
 |  |
Lightgray |
Yellow |
 |  |
Lightgreen |
Yellowgreen |
 |  |
Lightgrey |
 |  |
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